
Zucchini Omelet/Cake – “Rozwodnika” Version


  • Zucchini: If the zucchini is very watery, you can squeeze out some of the excess moisture with a cheesecloth or paper towel to prevent the mixture from being too wet.

  • Cheese: You can use different types of cheese, depending on your preference (cheddar, mozzarella, gouda, etc.).

  • Vegetables: Feel free to add other vegetables like chopped bell peppers, mushrooms, or spinach.

  • Spices: Customize the spices to your liking (garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika).

  • Omelet vs. Cake: The method of cooking will determine the final result (an omelet in a frying pan or a cake baked in the oven).

Why enhance?

  • Fresh herbs: Adding fresh dill or parsley will enhance the flavor.

  • Red pepper flakes: Adding a bit of red pepper flakes will give a little heat to the dish.

  • Nutmeg: A small pinch of nutmeg will add a warm flavor.

  • Parmesan: Parmesan is perfect for serving.

  • Garlic and onion powder: Enhance the savory flavor.

  • Thyme: Thyme will make the dish aromatic.

  • Smoked paprika: Adds depth of flavor.

  • Tomato: Adding tomato for moisture and extra flavor.

I hope you like this enhanced version! I’m sending greetings from my kitchen! And yes, I will be very pleased if you leave a comment and share it with your friends too! 🥰 Let me know where you are watching from! 🤩


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